Sunday, 09 March 2025


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Speed Clinic Sponsors

Special thanks to our supporters;

Where is Speed Clinic located?

Speed Clinic is based at AC Robertson Reserve, Ringwood. In order to be able to use the facilities, Club fees will be required to be paid annually.

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To combat spam, What event does Usain Bolt run in?


Arthur Samaras
2120-06-12, 09:23
Our Son Rees plays competitive high grade soccer yet was lacking in speed and stamina.
After 4 months of Shane’s inspired drills, motivation and intense training techniques, the improvement has been absolutely noticeable....
Quite simply, great coach, hard work, equals excellent results.
Many … read more
Andrew Dunn
2013-12-29, 01:24
Dear Shane
I would like to thank you for the 6 month training program for my son Oliver Dunn who is a state and national baseball representative.The tailored speed,strength &condition session have made a massive impact on Oliver.
The improvements in Oliver during this summer have been massive, … read more
Sandra Beattie
2013-12-27, 01:22
Dear Shane,
We are writing to express our thanks for the work that you have undertaken during the course of this year to improve the running techniques, speed, fitness and strength of our sons Daniel and

As you know, both boys have or are currently representing Australia and Victoria … read more
Andrew Layfield
2013-03-23, 05:45
I contacted Shane to book a 3 week program with the prime object to help my 12yo son, Sam’s running technique. The aim of this was to help him achieve to his best potential in football. I was very impressed with the structure of the program, the warm ups, focus on posture and efficient body … read more